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A Mystic's Guide for Climate Activists

As a prospective mystical activist, what can you add to your tool kit on climate change that would be truly helpful? Can mystical consciousness change your beliefs, perception, and even the experience of the climate crisis, in ways that would make a difference? Consider this…


Left-brain thinking – beliefs, expectations and values – create the "reality" we call the World of Man; it's like an action film full of drama, danger, humor, and struggle. Right-brain mystical consciousness, on the other hand, reveals the divine world here and now; it's like walking out of the theater and discovering the infinite beauty of the Creation is already here. The question I pose to you is this: Where do you want to live…in the collective illusion fostered by left-brain thinking that masquerades as waking life or in the always-present divine world of Creation here and now? You can leave the theater-of-mind at any time.


Left-brain thinking damages Creation with war, pollution, and exploitation. Yes, thought can be amazingly creative, but it needs to be in the service of awakening love, not for personal power or self-aggrandizement. Right-brain mystical consciousness discovers the extraordinary gift of Creation right where we are, inviting us to live in the "peace of wild things" – of stars and dirt, seasons and eras, birds and plants, smells and sounds, the ongoing three-billion-year evolution of Creation. She guides, feeds, protects, and teaches us. Nothing else like the divine Earth exists anywhere in the universe. And it's all around us when we learn how to see again. So, if you want to change the world, begin by changing your mind: bring right-bring mystical consciousness into left-brain planning. Find out who and where you really are.


One more thing. Mystical consciousness is divinity's gift to humanity in this climate crisis. In mystical consciousness, we cease acting selfishly, dwell again as part of Creation, and know intuitively what to do in the moment. We are home. And the steps for entering mystical realm are so simple:


1.     Stop Thinking.

2.     Heighten Awareness.

3.     Experience the World Exactly As It Is.

4.     Come into the Sacred Presence Through Pure Consciousness (for consciousness is Presence)

5.     Focus this Awakened Consciousness on the Being of your Own Being (which the mystics tell us is the very     substance of divinity)

6.     Let Yourself Be Moved by Love, Joy and Wonder into the Divine Flow of Creation.


Mystical Activism is simply mystical consciousness in action. As this state of consciousness can be learned again, work with it, experiment, and expand your sacred awareness until you get the "hang" of it, and then apply it to your life and your activism. The world looks very different in this awakened state. 


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