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Reaching Out to the World

On a whim, I uploaded my work onto Facebook, Linked In, Pinterest, and Twitter. It feels like I'm sending mystical trial balloons into the vast internet world, calling forth kindred souls that we might echo each other's beautiful and universal voices of love and peace and divine being. My new book, The Divine Human,  Read More 
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Sacred Activism

This blog appears on the Creation Spirituality Community website:

Years ago, Matthew Fox told us we were all mystics. I completely agree and have become profoundly interested in the mysticism of aging. Our unprecedented longevity created a new developmental stage in the human life cycle and I believe its purpose is the mystical transformation  Read More 
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Confessions of a Reluctant Mystic

I am a mystic. This is my confession.

All my work, beginning with Death of a Hero, Birth of the Soul to The Divine Human (in press) has been the product of an unfolding mystical revelation. It was given to me fully formed from the start but I had to work out each piece  Read More 
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Returning from the Land of Munchins

Hi again! We've been down south with our grandchildren, held lovingly captive in their enchanted world of childhood. Loved it. Home again on our island with snow promising to fall today. I finished a second draft of my new book The Divine Human. It's a natural next step from all I've written before. And  Read More 
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Checking in

Gosh it's been some time since I've last posted. A very busy time with workshops and the launch of my novel "Breakthrough." I feel like I'm going ever deeper into the oneness of being and the joy of the divine life. I'm working on a new manuscript on Sacred Aging and the Divine Human,  Read More 
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Breakthrough - A Novel

Excited to announce the publication of my novel, Breakthrough. As the tagline reads, "When a middle-aged psychologist begins working with a client describing bizarre mystical experiences, his own world changes radically…" This book is for anyone struggling with the experience of aging and looking for a positive, exciting and transformative story about our collective  Read More 
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A Heavenly Thought Experiment

Here's a thought experiment. What if we all stopped for a moment at the very same time, stopped thinking, talking, doing, going, spending, and planning, and simply woke up to where we were? What if we all took a break from our frenzied schedules and breathed quietly as we looked around us, looked at  Read More 
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The Gifts of Spiritual Transformation

As we master the spiritual tasks of aging, we receive new gifts on our journey to the Divine Human. The gifts born of mystical consciousness for the Elder are truly miraculous. They include the following experiences (From the Three Secrets of Aging). What do these experiences mean to you?

Silence of Mind
Freedom  Read More 
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The Tasks of Spiritual Transformation

Akin to the psychological tasks of aging are a set of spiritual tasks necessary to accelerate our spiritual growth and transformation in these final years, turning older people into enlightened elders. Take a moment to reflect on these tasks. What might they be asking of you? (from The Three Secrets of Aging).

Disbelieving Thought
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The Gifts of Conscious Aging

The inner work of aging creates a developmental transition that moves us from the materialistic concerns of the middle years to the awakened consciousness of the Elder in winter. In a gradual but a profound shift, we actually become different, as does our place in the world. For the enlightened Elder - the one  Read More 
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