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A Space Beyond Self

There is a time when the edifice of self disappears in the silence and stillness of now. We find it sometimes in meditation, deep quiet, self-forgetting creativity or the profound peace of nature. We enter a space beyond identity, goals, purpose, time, ambition and expectations, beyond our emotional fear-contraction, beyond the illusion of a  Read More 
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The New Human and the Conventional Personality

Because extraordinary differences exists between the New Human and our conventional personality, I thought it might be use to contrast them.

My ordinary personality is…
• Organized around the ego "me" and the persona I cultivate to handle insecurity, fear, and uncertainty.
• Largely self-centered in its concerns
• Reactive in my emotionality and contracted in its  Read More 
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"The New Human"

We are entering a new stage of human spiritual evolution, a time when God - the one consciousness that is and fills the cosmos and everything in it - is finally understood to be what you and I are. Because unity means one not two, you and God must be the same substance. This  Read More 
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Breakthrough - A Spiritual Novel for the Second Half of Life

For the past twenty years, I've been writing a novel about the spiritual life. I'd work on it, put it away when inspiration ran dry, and then inevitably return to it when the urging of new material came to me. You see, when I began, I was simply too young and spiritually immature to  Read More 
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The Purpose of Aging

Rabbi Schachter-Shalomi, the author of From Age-ing to Sage-ing and founding of Sage-ing International, tells us, “Elderhood represents the crowning achievement of life.” Jean Houston adds, “The years beyond sixty, the years of our second maturity, may be evolution’s greatest gift to humanity.” And Carl Jung opined that old age would not exist  Read More 
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Atrial What?

Last week, my heart slipped back into atrial fibrillation again, a condition not uncommon in aging. In atrial fibrillation, the upper chambers (atria) start quivering rather than beating properly. Normally, my version of this fibrillating process lasts a day or so and then converts spontaneously to the normal sinus rhythm. This time it hasn't.  Read More 
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Enter the World

Most of us live in the world but rarely see where we really are. I mean it's crazy. We rush around, notice this and that, race on to the next perception, and NEVER STOP until we crash late at night. Even then we can't turn off our minds and struggle with insomnia.

In recent  Read More 
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Transformation, Divinization, Transfiguration…What's Going On?

In the mystical realm, it's all one thing. It's all the same thing. It happens to me as I experience the energy and consciousness of divinity. The experience of the omnipresent divine Presence triggers joy within - my soul reconnecting with God, and this connection soon stirs, ignites and releases Divine Consciousness inside me,  Read More 
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Learning From Direct Mystical Consciousness

In graduate school, I was particularly amazed by Jean Piaget, the French psychologist, who created an entire theory of child development simply by carefully watching his own children. Carl Jung, too, developed a profound depth psychology much of it from his own inner work. Later I was equally amazed at Buddha's insights about the  Read More 
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How Aging Is Changing Me

I was visiting with a friend recently, sharing our experience of personal and spiritual evolution in these aging years. I wanted to try to describe what was happening for me because it's so amazing. I'll try to share it with you, too.

I am finding myself drawn inward to an inner consciousness that feels  Read More 
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